


About us

HV Test

We are an accredited conformity assessment laboratory in the United States by ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB) and in Mexico by Entidad Mexicana de Acreditación, A.C. (ema) in accordance with the ISO/EIC 17025 standard.

Dedicated for more than 20 years carrying out medium, high and extra high voltage electrical calibrations and tests using internationally recognized standard procedures complemented by highly competent personnel and state of the art equipment.

Power Cables Tested
GIS Switchgear Tested
Equipments for SF6
Gas Handling
Completed Projects
On-site Calibrations

Our Accreditations with International Recognition

The organizations that accredit us, ANAB and ema, are signatories of the mutual recognition agreement (MRA) with the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation – ILAC, which promotes cooperation for the exchange of information between the accreditation entities of the different signatory countries, and international acceptance of the calibration certificates and test reports issued under their accreditation marks is obtained, thus enabling mutual recognition between the signatory entities of said agreement.

The validity of these accreditations and the scope can be consulted on the pages of the accreditation bodies or clicking on the images above.

www.ema.org.mx  |  anab.ansi.org

Our Services

We offer testing and calibrations services, equipment sales and complementary services, which through agreements with international institutions and exclusive representations allow us to provide effective and timely solutions with technical support from important brands with cutting-edge technology.

Diagnosis of electrical insulation


- Withstand Voltage Test.
- Tangent Delta.
- Cover Integrity.
- Partial Discharges (PD).
      - Off-line.
      - On-line.
- Current Leakeage.
- Capacitance.
- Direct Current (DC).
- Altern Current (VLF/DAC).
- Insulation Resistance.
- Failure Pre-location and Location.



- AC and DC High Voltage Measuring Systems.
- Voltage Impulse Measuring System (Lightning and Switching Type).
- Voltage Phase and Current Phase Ratio and Displacement Error Measurement Systems.
- Partial Discharge Measuring Systems.
- Capacity and Tan δ Measuring System.
- Power Transformers.
- Current Transformers.
- Insulation Resistance Measuring Device.
- Winding Resistance Measuring Device.
- TTR Measuring Device (Transformer Turn Ratio).
- High Voltage Capacitors.
- Partial Discharge Calibrators.

Sale of specialized equipment for tests and diagnosis

- Suminister.
- Start Up.
- Training.
- Repairs.
- Updates.
- We are Authorized Distributors and Experts in the next brands:

Complementary Services


- SF6 Gas Analysis and Handling.
- Maintenance and update of High Voltage equipment.
- Purification and regeneration of dielectric oil.
- Consulting and Training.

Recent Works

Withstand test and partial discharge diagnosis in "Maniobras" Switchgear (Inter-urban train in Toluca, Mexico).


SE GIS (SF6 Gas Insulated) for 230kV composed of a total of 6 bays

Withstand test and partial discharge diagnosis to LT "San Bernabe" and LT "Olivar" (Inter-urban train in Toluca, Mexico).


2 Circuits for 230 kV with Truncated Exterior Terminals on one end and SF6 Interior Terminals - Cable on the other.

Mounting maneuvers and handling of SF6 Gas in GIS "Condesa" (CDMX, Mexico).


SE GIS for 230 kV (Encapsulated in SF6 GAS)

Withstand test and partial discharge diagnosis to LT "Diana - Condesa" (CDMX, Mexico).


1 Circuit for 230kV with SF6 Interior Terminals - Cable at both ends and with a total of 3 Splices

Withstand test and partial discharge diagnosis to high voltage underground transmission line in "Articulo 123" (Tijuana, Mexico).


2 Circuits for 230kV with external terminals at both ends

Pre-operative tests (Withstand test, cover integrity and partial discharges) to undeground transmission lines to energize Mexico City´s subway (CDMX, Mexico).


Withstand test and partial discharge to 230 kV underground transmission line and GIS (Zumpango, Mexico).


Withstand test and partial discharges in 230kV underground transmission line (Monterrey, Mexico).


Withstand test and partial discharges to underground transmission line in "Morales" switchgear (CDMX, Mexico).


Withstand and partial discharge tests at 230kV and partial discharges with damped wave at 35kV in "La Pimienta" Photovoltaic Park (Campeche, Mexico).


Equipment sale, start up, training and calibration of 1,600kV Impulse Generator brand BHT (Tizayuca, Mexico).


Calibration, Determination of the scale factor and linearity test to magnitudes of voltage and current (TC and PT) on site of TTS equipment according to ISO 17025 (San José, Costa Rica).


Calibration, Determination of the scale factor and linearity test of impulse measurement system in Medium Voltage Laboratory equipment according to ISO 17025.


Our Main Customers

Contact Us

Complaints and suggestions

For HV TEST your comments are very important, pleas use the following form to send us your comments and suggestions.

In case of having a complaint, please indicate it in the subject, so our Quality Department can carry out the corresponding investigation and confirm the origin of your complaint. If appropiate, the causes will be analyzed and the actions to be implemented will be determined to improve the quality of the service.

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Contact Information

Where we are?

Eléctricos No 103 y 105
Parque Industrial Chichimeco
Jesús María, Aguascalientes, Mex.



Call us at:

(+52) 449 963 61 51

Complaints and suggestions

For HV TEST your comments are very important, please use the following form to send us your comments.

If you file a complaint, please indicate it in the subject, so that the Quality department can carry out the corresponding investigation and confirm the origin of your complaint. If appropriate, the causes will be analyzed and the actions to be implemented to improve the quality of the service will be determined.

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